Saturday, June 8, 2013

Exodus 4:1-17 Notes: Moses' Miraculous Power

Section 7: Moses’ Miraculous Power– Exodus 4:1-17

Theme or topic of this section
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.. again!
Perform Miraculous Signs
Moses’ Miraculous Power
Saying No Is not Always the Answer
Rescue the Israelite Slaves (and the Prep behind the rescue)
God Gave Moses the Signs and Necessary Tools to Return to Egypt
God’s Plan for Moses to Implement
Moses’ Toolbox

Some interesting points
How does God respond to Moses’ objections?
- He pulls the “God card”
- God doesn’t take no for an answer.
- God keeps giving Moses commands.
- says Aaron will help you, but you’re still going to do it.

The Purpose of the signs
- to prove to the Israelites who God is, and that Moses has been sent by God.
- the signs require Moses to have trust – snakes, leprosy – are you kidding me?!

When God gets angry at Moses (vs 14)
- God gets angry but really, the first words out of God’s mouth are kind. 
- God was already planning a real-life answer to Moses’ objections.
- In verse 11 God sounds more angry than he does in verse 14.
- There will be 2 people (Moses and Aaron ) – a shared burden.

Are Moses’ objections justified?
- The Lord didn’t think so!
- We all like to let fellow humans off the hook.
- Yes, because Moses’ position and confidence have changed from when he was in Egypt.  He’s become used to talking to sheep.
- God is calling Moses to become  a shepherd of people.

The $64,000 question
Why would God harden the heart of Pharaoh? ! ? !
- so that the Israelites would see all the signs and know that God is fighting for them.
- if Pharaoh caved right away, leaving Egypt would be too easy for the Israelites.  With the signs, it makes leaving valuable to the Israelites.
- God wanted the Israelites to trust him fully.

What we learned about the nature of God from this passage
- God is extremely patient, but can be pushed.
- Long-suffering
- When God wants you to do something, God will be relentless.
- God is approachable and listens.
- God understands Moses’ shortcomings.
- God doesn’t require us to be perfect in order to use us.
- God will equip you for the job he calls you to do.

What we learned from this passage that we can apply to our lives
- I’m not a good speaker, so I can relate to Moses.  And God can use me anyway.
- When God wants you to do something, he will wear you down.
- How do I know when God is speaking to me?
- Sometimes God doesn’t have a big project for us, but he can still use us where we are.

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