Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Exodus Section 4 Questions: Moses Flees to Midian

Exodus Study, Section 4:  Moses Flees to Midian – Exodus 2: 11-25

Initial observation
1. Read Exodus 2: 11-25 out loud in the group.
2. Underline or highlight frequently used words (or refer to your homework).
3. What words, phrases, or ideas make an impression on you?
4.  Who are the major characters?  What is happening (be brief)? Where is it taking place?

In-depth Observation
5. In 2:11 Moses is recognized as a Hebrew.  But in 2:19 the daughters call him an Egyptian. Which is he?

6. What do Moses’ actions in this passage tell you about Moses?

7. Verse 23 reports the pharaoh’s death.  According to this passage, about how much time has passed since Moses was born?

8. Write down the theme or topic of this section.

Interpretation and Application:
A. What do you learn about the nature of God from this passage?

B.  What do you learn about the other characters from this passage?
- Moses
- the Israelites

C.  What can we learn from this passage that applies to our own lives?

Vocabulary and notes
Verse 12 “killed” or “struck down” – the text does not reveal whether Moses killed the man deliberately or whether he beat him so severely that he died.
Verse 23: “cried out… rose up to God.” The text does not say “They cried to God,” suggesting they had forgotten God or did not know God fully.

Read Exodus 3:1-22.  Underline or highlight frequently used words. Look up the meaning of any words you don’t know. Note which words, phrases, or ideas make an impression on you. 

How does your Bible translate God’s name in verse 14?  Be sure to read any footnotes that go along with this verse.

Write down one ‘newspaper reporter’ type question (starting with Who, What, Where, When, How or Why) to discuss with the group next time.

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