Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Exodus Section 3 Notes: The Birth of Moses

Section 3: The Birth of Moses - Exodus: 2: 1-10 
Theme or topic of this section
God saves Moses for a reason

Some interesting points
- Moses’ parents are from the tribe of Levi.  This kept it “all in the family”;  Levites became the priestly tribe.  (But see Jacob’s blessing of Levi in Genesis)

- Moses’ name is the only name mentioned in this passage.  It’s all about Moses.

- Some words in this passage echo words from Genesis (Gen 1:10 “…saw that it was good.”  And Gen 6:14     “ ark” and “coat it with pitch”).  The writer did this to indicate:
            - Moses is going to “start over again” (just like Noah)
            - a reminder that Noah’s ark is how God started creation over again
            - the point is to say “This is God’s hand working through history.”
            - God is repeating to make a point.

- The mother obeyed the letter of Pharaoh’s command to throw baby boys in the river.  Pharaoh’s daughter directly disobeyed the command. 

- It’s very dramatic!

- Moses’ mother is rewarded – gets to raise the baby.

- Is God acting here, even though God is not mentioned? 
            - of course, because Moses’ life is saved.
            - God might have whispered to Pharaoh’s daughter to take pity on the baby (she had a compassionate heart, unlike her father the Pharaoh)

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