Saturday, February 8, 2014

Study of "And" - Week 1 Discussion Questions

Study of And: The Gathered and Scattered Church
Week 1: Chapters 1 and 2

Question 1.  Why are we studying this book?

- a starting point for a discussion.

- part of the SEED process. 
Seeking God’s wisdom and will,
Energizing us with the power of the Holy Spirit,
Engaging us in God’s mission, and
Discovering God’s plan for Hiland’s future.

As we read, acknowledge these aspects of this book:
a) it is directed at pastors and church planters.
b) some of the vocabulary is unfamiliar to us.
c) you do not have to agree with everything it says.

Chapter 1: The Beautifully Sent Church
 On page 31, the authors say that many people think church is “outdated, boring, worthless, archaic, self-serving, and out of touch, a waste of time and a poor use of money.”  But on page 33, the authors say, “There’s just something about this thing called church that captures our hearts … it’s giving ourselves away so that others can know God – that keeps us all in the game, playing our hearts out.”

Question 2
What is your opinion of churches in general, and your church in particular?  What is it about your church that keeps you ‘in the game’?   Or, if you are not involved in church, what is it about church that keeps you away?

Vocabulary definition:
The authors make up the word sentness (page33) and define it as “giving ourselves away so that others can know God.”  They liken “sentness” to people releasing their pet lion into the wild, or a father giving away his daughter as a bride.

Question 3
a) How does Jesus exhibit “sentness?”  (see pages 42-43)

b) How does The Church (in general) exhibit “sentness?” (see pages 43-45)

c) Do you feel your church exhibits “sentness”?  Why or why not?

Chapter 2: Starting the AND wherever you are
Vocabulary definition:
Another term the authors use is missional, which they define as follows:
l  “a community that is sent and given away for God’s purposes; a church that sees itself as part of a larger story of God’s mission.” (page 48)
l "thinking and acting like a missionary” (page 52)
l  “modeling the life, activities, and words of Jesus” (page 52)

Question 4: Give some examples of what you might expect to find at a missional church.

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