Saturday, July 27, 2013

Exodus 14 Notes: Through the Sea on Dry Land

Section 14: Exodus 14:1-15:21

Theme or topic of this section
God Parts the Waters of the Red Sea
God Said to Moses, “I Have a Plan That Will Knock Your Socks Off!”
“Watch This!”
The Staff of Moses
The Israelites Show Great Trust in the Lord
Quit Your Crying and Get Moving!
The Versatility of Pillars: The Multipurpose Cloud and Fire
Moses and The People Burst Into Song

Some interesting points
- It is interesting that 15:11 refers to “gods”.  Weren’t they monotheists?
What does Moses tell the Israelites?
- Moses tells the people “Do not be afraid.”  We hear that a lot in scripture.
He also tells them “stand where you are.  Watch and you will see.  You won’t need to lift a finger.”  (Some translations differ on this last instruction.)
- Moses is saying “Watch this!”

What does God tell them?
- “Go forward.”
- God said, “Tell the Israelites to get moving.”

What is God’s reason for action against the Egyptians?
- Pharaoh was like a god to the Egyptians, so the actions say that God is God, not Pharaoh.
- Yul Brynner – “His God is God.” (after the plague of the death of the first-born)

Note that Egypt and Israel were resting all night, but God was working all night to part the sea.  God had a time frame.  Maybe he worked all night so that the Egyptians would enter the sea (armies move by daylight).

It took a LOT of faith for the Israelites to enter the sea, with walls of water on both sides.

Did Moses part the waters or did God do it?
- Moses raised his rod, but this was a sign (a visual aid) for the people.  God is the one who parted the waters.  Also, holding up the rod signals that something awesome is going to happen.

After they go through the sea on dry land, the Israelites feared the Lord, and then celebrated.  They sing, they dance.

What we learned about the nature of God from this passage
- God is patient with his people.
- God had a plan that started back when he came to Moses as the burning bush.  In spite of the reaction of the Israelites, God continues to executs his plan, all for the purpose of getting his point across that “I AM GOD” and to rescue his people.
- Deliberate, consistent,unwavering, persistent, determine.
- God is powerful and in control of the natural elements.
- God confides in Moses.

What we learned from this passage that we can apply to our lives
- It’s easier to trust when you know the plan (Moses knows the plan but the Israelites don’t.)
- God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
- We have to be willing to take things step by step.
- We should hang in there in the face of difficulty.
- Trust in the Lord; lean not on your own understanding.
- Sometimes God makes miracles through science (by God giving scientists their ability)
- All talents are God-given.

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